Saturday, November 17, 2007

Artist's Block

Why is it that I feel the most creative when I'm about to fall asleep? I'm not really complaining. It's just frustrating.

I remember about a year ago, I heard that James Cameron was going to do his next film in all 3D. I had never seen a modern 3D film before. My only memory was the red and blue glasses. I thought the man was nuts and that 3D was still just a fad. Well, tonight I saw Beowulf in 3D. The supporters are right. It really is the future of cinema. Anyone reading should definitely check it out.

The sketch is a result of me messing around for a few minutes on some typing paper.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A sign of things to come...

Well this is my first real attempt at starting a blog. Hopefully it will be more successful then the last few times I've tried this. So sit back and enjoy my lack of posts! Seeing as I'm using this space to showcase my artistic side, chew on this.


P.S. I can't spell and have the grammar of a 12 year old on Ritalin, so please, bare with me and get naked. See what I did there? Heh? Anyone? Aw hell, just look at the pictures.